One educates society changes
It is always said that if a person educates then his/ her complete family starts changing. Their point of views about things change. In a way they also get educated. Yes I say educated because whatever we know something new it's sort of education. But while doing all this , the person needs courage and willingness to change his / her family's mindset. Without having feelings ignited for a better society, until you want to see a change in the society nothing can happen. Someone or the other has to take an initiative. If a single person starts to do good for the society, he/ she surely faces opposition from the people and they don't believe on your thoughts. If you are firm then no one can stop you. Be strong enough to fight till the end until success is achieved and atleast one person is changed. For me that one person matters a lot. There are many examples which inspire me.
One of the most common but not so common example is of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule. From beginning he was passionate about education. Being from lower caste society he didn't had the right to study. Facing all the insults he kept on gaining knowledge. To get an identity and to demolish the norms he studied. He kept on searching ways to change mindset of people. From childhood he was against the taboos of society. He found a way which was by educating women which started by educating his wife Savitribai Phule. He himself taught her. Further they both struggled and established a school for girls. Then onwards girls were also educated.
To do such things it takes guts. But always remember that a single matchstick is enough to burn the entire forest.
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