Whenever you start something the most important values required are hardwork, patience, passion and motivation. Without these you won't reach anywhere . Hustle till you succeed. Always stay motivated and motivate others who work with you that's what makes the team believe that they can make impossible work possible.
Today's generation lacks motivation. They keep on searching for motivation around them. But the issue is when they feel motivated and inspired, it's just for that moment. Until you have the fire ,everything is achievable. Gradually with time you will reach heights of success. Even if you have no funds, no connections with rich people you have so many other things which will make sure that you don't fail.
Wright brothers also started everything from zero . They just had a team whom they motivated and kept on trying . With their constant efforts they developed a technology that the whole world knows . They did what others didn't with better funds, better education and high level connections. They just saw a dream and wanted to make it reality as it was going to change the future. Their intentions were so high that they didn't stopped. They are inspiration for many people. There technology was inspiration for others to develop a better technology. They set the standards high for others. This happened just because of motivation, just motivation.
Whatever you do it's necessary to know why you're doing that? The reason behind it can become motivation. Many people read books, listen to podcasts, watch interviews,etc. to get motivated. Once the fire inside you is ignited don't stop, keep moving. Just think once of the cause why you want to become something in life. The reason behind it will surely help you achieve success. Automatically this something will give you a name.
Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow... - Unknown
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